All the content that appears on the o.w.n website, including all visuals, text, audio and video clips are subject to copyright protections and other intellectual property rights or licenses held by o.w.n. We are happy for people to share our images, provided you tag and credit o.w.n and link to www.o-w-n.in. Unauthorised use of this website may give rise to a claim for damages and will be classified as a criminal offence. Use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of India.
o.w.n is a manufacturer and retailer of handmade products. Good quality ingredients are used in handcrafting each of our products. All ingredients used in making the final product is ethically sourced and are sustainable.
The prices on the website are inclusive of the Taxes in India (GST) and packaging.
We reserve the right to adjust any prices or shipping amounts at any time without notice.
We make every effort to protect the privacy of our users and customers. As such, this privacy policy sets out how o.w.n uses and protects any information that you give us when you use this website. Your online privacy and security is our priority, and we are committed to ensuring that you are protected. We will not disclose, sell, distribute or lease, personal information that you provide to us including your name, address, telephone number and email address. We do not use your banking details, credit/debit card number, expiry date, card holder name, or any other information for payments made through our payment gateway.
Cookies are small data files which are stored on your computer's hard drive when you visit a website. These cookies help web browsers to remember your preferences, and collect information about your usage patterns to help form a better and more personalised web experience. Usually, web browsers automatically accept cookies, however you can choose to modify your browser settings so you are notified when you are sent a cookie, and then you can choose to accept or decline it.
o.w.n reserves the sole right to revise or alter these Terms and Conditions at any time without any prior notice. For this reason, we encourage you to review these Terms and Conditions every time you purchase products from us or use our website.
If you have questions or suggestions regarding our privacy standards please email connect@o-w-n.in. Our customer care team is available from Monday to Friday, from 11:00 am till 5:00 pm IST.
Although we have taken all kinds of security measures for the protection of personal information, we cannot guarantee complete protection. You provide all personal information at your own risk.